Damian & Charné

I would like to welcome Damian and Charné to our blog this morning. This couple got married at Talloula in Botha’s Hill. Glynnis always does a great job when hosting weddings at her venue! Damian and the boys got ready at Phezulu Safari Park whilst Charné got ready at Talloula. My lovely assistant, Kayla, and my video team shot the groom prep and had alot of fun with the guys. I had started with the decor at the reception because it was finished by the time I had arrived. The wooden tables and the “Better Together” sign just made such a great vibe and elegance to the reception. The fairy lights hanging on the wall always makes a great impression.

Charné and the girls were bubbling when I arrived and they had everything prepped and ready for me to shoot. The dress was exquisite and the makeup was done very well. Everything flowed smoothly. What I liked about Charné’s dress was that it was slightly off white giving the dress a slight pink colour which was out of tradition (My favourite!). I got the girls to have a pillow fight on the bed and what is a bridal prep without the champagne… We had a fun time together shooting the Bridal Prep and it was not long that my video team joined me.

The ceremony started on time and what I soon discovered was that Damian’s family were of Jewish decent. This made the wedding extra special as Damian stood on the wrapped up glass to confirm their vows. The Pastor did a great job with the ceremony and the vows were heartfelt. At the entrance of the chapel a Photos bus was waiting for the couple. We quickly got some epic photos of the couple in front and inside the bus before heading out to the gardens for our creative shoot. The retinue was amazing at following instructions and made my creative shoot a pleasant one. We had fun with smoke bombs when we were shooting Damian & Charné alone. The wind didn’t fair well with the smoke but that didn’t stop us from trying to be creative. We pushed the limits with the drone master Gerrit, and we ended the shoot at the top of Bothas Hill with some footage for the video. Damian and Charné were champs just listening to everything we asked them to do without complaining.

The reception was lit with excitement and plenty of cheers as the couple entered the hall. We got to hear of how hard Damian had to work to win the girl of his dreams and how special he has been to Charné’s family. We got to hear of all the escapades they have been doing as a couple from the speeches of their loved ones and we witnessed the appreciation given by Damian as he shared the Vote Of Thanks. The food was amazing as always and as always Talloula never fails in this department. We captured the intimacy of the first dance and I saw the love of a dad for his daughter, as some special moments were shared on the dance floor. It was a great night to be remembered by all! I would just like to thank Damian and Charné for allowing us to be part of such a special day and wish you guys only success in your future together!

Venue: Talloula

Video and Photography: Conway Photography

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